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 I think that awake chocolate bar where very good and it did not mealt as fast as other chocolate. Also it was very good and it is has a lot of caffeine. you can buy this at Fred Meyers. it cost 5.95. there is 1 bite = 1/2 cup of Coffee. The USRDA would say to eat one piece i would eat two pieces.

Oberto jerkywas very fatty and greasy. Also was very good for a snack. You could buy this product at any local store. it cost 6.95. there is 2.5 once inthe bacon. I would eat half the bag.

The war head were really sour and some only lasted for about 20 sec but the lemon flavored lasted about 40 sec it was very sour. It made my spine tingled a little bit. they had a lot of flavors I would try all of them because they are good. the war head were 2.99.

The sour smurf very good but if like to make your jaw hurt i would try this.they were colored papa smurf and smurf Et. they were 3.99

chick was every good. it had a soft core in the middle. Not to sweet for the teeth. i would buy more of this.

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